What are good and bad eating habits? What do you have to do to be in shape?

 What are good and bad eating habits? 

Good eating habits are:                                                     Bad eating habits are:

- Eat three times a day.                                                    - Skipping meals or replacing them with shakes.

- Have healthy snacks (fruits, cereals)                            - Eat fast food every day or every weekend.

- Eat fruits and vegetables every day.                             - Do not add fruits or vegetables in the diet.

- Have a good portion of meals.                                     - Eat a lot of sweets, fats and spicy.

- Have protein in the diet.                                               - Do not include protein in the diet.

What do you have to do to be in shape?
- Do exercise.
- Sleep well, it is recommended to sleep 8 hours a day.
- Have a good diet.
- To be disciplined.
